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Today’s brands constantly search for a competitive edge with packaging materials and methods. That’s because retailers and consumers are looking beyond the quality of the actual product. The look, feel, and functionality of the packaging must also be exceptional to stand out in increasingly crowded markets.

As the competition ramps up, Mylar has emerged as a top contender for flexible packaging in various formats. However, Mylar bags must be sealed with certain tools and techniques to ensure a safe and secure seal that lasts the entire product cycle and delivers in all aspects.

Here’s an overview of modern Mylar bags, the benefits they offer, and how to seal these packages to maximize barrier properties and customer satisfaction.

What Is a Mylar Bag?

The story of Mylar begins back in the 1950s with the trademark of polyethylene terephthalate film. Unlike other thermoplastic polyester films that came before it, Mylar was biaxially oriented, giving it superior durability and improved barrier properties over its predecessors.

Mylar was also more chemically stable and resistant to moisture, oxygen, oil, and other common hazards. Originally used for protective overlays in industrial settings, the material was soon adopted for packaging, printing, and other applications in consumer products.

More recently, the popularity of Mylar bags has surged as brands seek alternatives to traditional and rigid packaging methods. These bags are now used in everything from specialty food items to pharmaceuticals, supplements, cannabis products, and more.

How Do Mylar Bags Work?

Thanks to their slim form factor, flexibility, and strength, Mylar bags work by combining the power of BOPET with a convenient heat-sealing mechanism. When performed properly, this precise heat seal removes oxygen from the bag’s interior and creates an impenetrable barrier, ideal for sensitive goods like food and pharmaceuticals.

The creation of a Mylar bag begins with choosing dimensions to meet the specifications of the manufacturer. The most popular formats feature a three-to-five ratio capable of standing on its own and feature zipper seals placed just below the heat seal at the top of the package.

The result is a bag that minimizes wasted materials, ships safely in bulk, can be stored discretely, and can be featured in a variety of appealing ways on store shelves or hung from clasps.

From the consumer perspective, Mylar bags are also easy to access and store while also offering child-resistant features that help keep kids and pets safe.

What Are the Advantages of Using Mylar Bags for Storage?

Brands that market goods to retailers may overlook the storage function of their packaging, yet it’s one of the more important features to consider when formulating a product. Store owners are looking for products that store easily, last longer, and can retain the shelf appeal for consumers navigating the retail space.

Here’s why Mylar is the best current solution for storage and why heat sealing methods work to your advantage in competitive industries.

Sealing Items

A strong seal is vital to the success of any consumer product, ensuring protection against the elements while also reducing concerns of theft, loss, and waste.

As a malleable thermoplastic, Mylar can be sealed tightly with a combination of high heat and directional pressure, creating a seal that can only be opened by tearing through the horizontal seal with a certain level of strength.

Therefore, Mylar bags can be stored at scale without the threat of being punctured, accidentally torn, or damaged in other ways. Compared to rigid packages that may be dented or bent out of shape during storage and shipping, Mylar is far more resilient and makes the experience easier for retailers processing large product quantities over time.

Works Well for Perishable Items

Refrigerated space is often scarce in retail settings, meaning that perishable items are often difficult to store in traditional rigid packaging. By using Mylar bags, brands can set themselves apart by extending the shelf life of perishable products, making them far more appealing for retailers who rely primarily on dry storage to keep goods organized.

Perishable items like specialty snacks, supplements, and cannabis products also tend to be more sensitive to elements like oxygen and atmospheric particles. With a strong heat seal and the inherent barrier properties of Mylar, retailers can be more confident in their ability to store these goods at scale.

Long-Term Storage

The longer a product can sit in storage without risk of damage or degradation, the better the value proposition for both retailers and consumers. Products in heal-sealed Mylar bags last significantly longer than in traditional rigid packaging and thinner types of polyester wrapping, which can be prone to oxidation and other elemental hazards.

Even an extra few weeks or months of storage can make a substantial difference in the balance sheet of a retailer dealing with slim profit margins. This makes the decision easier for a business that can’t afford to lose product to expiration or waste.

The equation is simple: the longer a product can last in storage without issue, the more likely that retailers and consumers will make repeat purchases.

Protection for Stored Items

When items are in storage, they should be out of sight and out of mind for store owners. Storing products should be a “set it and forget it” process that doesn’t distract from the top priorities of the business. Therefore, materials like Mylar bags are an asset for business owners who can’t spend extra time and effort monitoring and moving products in storage to protect goods.

In other words, Mylar is a time-saver, a money-saver, and an effort-saver rolled into one. It’s a dream come true for any retailer who wants to maximize efficiency and get the most return out of every unit they purchase wholesale.

How Do You Seal Mylar Bags?

Sealing a Mylar bag requires three key components: heat, pressure, and timing. Techniques must be perfected to accomplish these three in unison and create an impenetrable seal.

The strongest seals are achieved at a temperature setting between 375 and 425 Fahrenheit, depending on the material’s thickness and the heating element’s dimensions. This is the temperature at which BOPET becomes malleable, allowing two separate sheets to merge together seamlessly without melting or damaging the structure of the bag.

Therefore, a standard household heating iron is typically not hot enough to meet the requirements for a proper heat seal. This usually demands larger industrial machinery that can maintain high temperatures for longer periods of time while still offering precision and consistency.

A proper seal also requires pressure while the chemical reaction of heat is taking place. Without the right amount of pressure, the seal may not properly form, potentially allowing oxygen and other elements to leak in through the top of the bag.

That’s why industrial heat-sealing machines also feature an axis for applying pressure, whether by hand or with hydraulic components. The most expensive machines automate the process so that workers do not need to apply constant pressure as they work through thousands of units.

Finally, time is the last ingredient that brings heat and pressure together. The time required to heat seal will vary based on the other two variables, but in most cases, the process will take between two and three seconds.

It may take longer with lower heat or pressure, so manufacturers must synchronize these three elements to achieve a consistent seal each time.

Why a Proper Seal Is Important

Mylar is an exceptional material in many ways, but without a proper seal, manufacturers miss out on many of the benefits we’ve outlined so far.

Only with a proper seal can the barrier properties of Mylar work their magic. This allows brands to ship products confidently without fearing damage, degradation, waste, loss, or other issues.

Consumers also expect an even, symmetrical seal when paying top dollar for goods of all kinds. A proper seal is a mark of care and quality that can set brands apart and keep customers coming back for more.

Why Are Mylar Bags Used for Cannabis?

Mylar bags are used for various products, but cannabis has been in the spotlight as a prime example. Mylar is perfect for protecting sensitive or perishable cannabis products and ensuring freshness when consumers open the bag.

Retailers also benefit from the smell-proof properties of Mylar when working with cannabis products, especially fresh flowers and other potent goods.

Child-Resistant Bags (SecureSack)

With cannabis markets rising, brands must step up their child-resistant packaging methods to meet regulations and consumer standards. Mylar bags are ideal for adding child-resistant mechanisms that protect children, customers, and brands.

For the best child-resistant Mylar bags that can be customized to your exact specifications, Dymapak is your go-to partner in the cannabis space and beyond.

The Bottom Line

Mylar has come a long way and finally has the recognition it deserves in flexible bag packaging formats. Mylar comes with many benefits — however, to reap the full benefits of this innovative packaging solution, brands need to ensure a proper seal.

Discover how Mylar bags can transform the look and feel of your brand today while helping you make sure you have the quality seals to match.



Mylar Overview | Science Direct

Understanding the factors affecting the seal integrity in heat sealed flexible food packages: A review | Wiley Online Library

Heat Sealing Fundamentals | WPI