Child Safe Packaging for Adults
Packaging for cannabis and cannabis-infused products should be at the forefront of every dispensary’s agenda. Not only is it required by law, but you also want your cannabusiness to be mindful of protecting young children the product isn’t meant for. Some of the best options available that comply with the law are quality made child-resistant pouches and bags. Cannabis and cannabis-infused product packaging are required to meet regulatory standards, which includes equipping it with child-resistant technology to prevent accidental ingestion. Cannabis and edibles in the hands of young children can be extremely dangerous. While any type of marijuana product accidentally ingested can be harmful to children, fun-looking or brightly colored edibles are the most appealing to little ones.
The Importance of Child Safe Packaging
According to Children’s Hospital Colorado, the most common overdose incidents are connected to edibles. Gummy bear, brownie, or lollipop edibles may be attractive to children – they look like the sweet treats mom or dad may give them for dessert or for a job well done. But, if accidentally ingested, a child may require hospitalization depending on the severity of their symptoms.
Dispensaries are looking toward attractive and safe child-safe packaging in which to market their products and meet the regulatory requirements. Look for patented technology to keep cannabis and cannabis-infused products away from children like Dymapak’s Secure Sack, the first innovative child-resistant bag. With a tamper-evident tab and locking press-to-close zipper, the Secure Sack is made with thick, food-grade plastic. Its flexible, yet strong, construction keeps children out of products meant for adults. Dymapak’s Secure Sacks meet regulatory requirements and are classified in accordance with ASTM D3475 and are lab tested and certified using CPSC standards and protocol to conform to the requirements of a Poison Prevention Package (CPSC 16 CFR 1700 child-resistant).
Put Safety First with Child Safe Packaging
Child-safe packaging should put safety first but should not inhibit product marketing. Your company does not have to sacrifice design or brand integrity to satisfy the need for child-safe packaging.
Child-resistant pouches and bags add an attractive option. Depending on your state, child-resistant regulations must include clear written warning, must pass rigorous testing to test a child’s ability to open it while keeping it easy to open and close for adults, be opaque and must have a resealable function. And it can’t be visually attractive to children – stay away from cartoons or candy-like images in your design. Dymapak’s creative team can meet regulatory requirements while also customizing your packaging and keeping children safe.
Cannabusinesses looking to stay in business should pay careful attention to their packaging options. Child-resistant safe is not an option and should be at the top of the list of your overall business operations. Take into account the quality of the construction of the packaging product you choose. Look for durable materials with food-grade plastic. And, perhaps most importantly, look for an established supplier with a reputation for delivering exactly what you ordered on time. Learn more about Dymapak’s child-proof packaging and child-safe packaging offerings today. Contact us to learn more about our child-resistant bags for edibles and other cannabis products and visit our online shop today!